Thursday, February 10, 2011

Yet another Unknown

SO what have we been up to lately, hmmmmmm its a tough one, well I havent told you all about our New Years Eve Experience and oh was it an experience. People have said that NYE in Sydney was one of the best events in the world to do and yeah the fireworks were spectacular
but what people dont tell you about is the gruelling wait that you have to endure in a 3km line of people, mainly irish at the back and chiese at the front who camped overnight, bloody overnight to get first in teh line so they could all run and get the best spot for their camera.
It was about 40 degrees out on NYE and we were stuck out in a plain open filed that they call the Botanic Gardens. We actually managed to survive the wait and got into the gardens at about 12pm but had been stuck in the que outside for about 3 hours, little did we know that we would be sitting oin the same
spot inside the gardens until 11.59pm until the show actually started. It was pretty funny because there was supposed to be an "Airshow" on at 7pm but it was pathethic, weither it our excellent up bringing of watching the Baldonnell airshow, a proper airsghow, or the fact that it was a single
plane flying around doing circles in the sky. It just looked like the pilot had got lost on an imaginary roundabout. Shocking! The fireworks at midnight tho were unreal. They just blew us away. Think they lasted for about 13 minutes or something crazy like that and there must have been a few million
people around the harbour watching as the new year rolled on in. So it was the New Year and what way to start off 2011 than taking a tour of the great Sydney Opera House. What a spectacular building. Its actually a masterpiece in there. The theatres were sublime and the details around the place
from the staircases to the handrails and the awesome shell structure. We were actually in awe and took tons of photos of every little thing. Half the people on the tour thought we were weirdos taking photos of screws and window frames and all that instead of looking at the view, phffff what do they know!!!
It was quite nice to actually get insid ethe building though and actually properly explore it, we wanted to run around everywhere but we werent allowed, what has health and safety got to do with wanting to climb out onto the roof of it. So after doing that we had  few more days around Sydney, staying out in Manly
with Damian, Diones cousin. Its a nice spot out there, its a beachy chilled out area just on the far side of the harbour and the only real way to get there is by the ferry. WOW! a ferry out into the harbour below the bridge and past the Opera House. Best boat trip we have been on by far. We did that at least 30
times just to get into the city and everytime it was as amazing as the last and how could that view every get old! Then we decided to head to Melbourne instead of settling in Sydney, just because people had told us Sydney was like London and Melbourne was the cool city like Dublin or Edinburgh so we took a chance on it.
We decided to catch the train, only 12 hours, still doesnt compare to 31 hours on a bus in asia so this was just a nice comfortable trip. The train was quite nice and went through crazy landscapes of rolling hills and parts that looked like the desert. But soon enough we arrived in another new city with not much
of a plan, well the plan was to make a plan in teh next few days, but right then we were standing in a chilled out place with trams everywhere with out back to Southern Cross Station.

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