Saturday, October 30, 2010

The end of the trail

So we arrived in HCM on Tuesday eveing and spent the next two days there. So after we dismounted the bikes for more or less the last time we both took long ass showers and got every single bit of dirt out of us and trust me after being on the roads over here the diet just gets everywhere. We also done a laundry of all our clothes that we worn on te bike just to get them looking like clothes again. Then it was dinner time and we hot so much food just as a celebratory dinner I suppose that we actually made it all the way here in one piece. So on Wednesday then we started seeing the sights of Saigon, or what the communists call HCM. So we walked around the city all day starting off at Ben Thanh Market which was crazy. The aisles were so small and narrow and there was just people appearing from every which way. We went then to the art museum and then the Ho
Cho Minh City museum which was really cool to see. Then we just wandered around finding the notre dame cathedral and the central post office and stuff like that. That evening there was a massive thunder storm and could hardly walk anywhere but made it down the street to a nice Vietnamese place that did amazing chicken and pineapple but i was only given a spoon and fork and politely refused to eat until our lovely waitress retrived some chopsticks for me. And it wasn't only me, Alv actually couldn't use the fork and spoon so she needed the sticks to eat. I think she likes the chopsticks and is really good at using them now for all the strange foods that she's actually eying which is really good too. Yesterday we went on a half day tour to the legendry Cu Chi tunnels just outside Saigon. Our tour guide told us that he was south vietnamese and said that the communists was really wrong and that they still consider themselves different from the north. He also said that nowhere is written down about the south before the war and it's all about the VC being an amzing army an that the tunnel network was a great achievement for them in the attempt to reunify the country. The tunnels were awesome. Both if us went down into them and they are so so small and tight but we got through them ok. The only dodge thing is te heat down there coz there is no fresh air really so. So we both got the distinct feeling that south Vietnam wanted to be south Vietnam and not part of the whole. The fact that everybody up north calls Saigon, Ho Chi Minh an everybody down south calls it Saigon shows how the south wants to be their own republic. The tour was well worth the $5 anyway. Then last nite we went for a pizza buffet to fill us up. All you can eat for €4. So great is that? Then it was off to pack as we had a really early flight to Phu Quoc island to catch. This is our last stop in Vietnam before we go into Cambodia in 3 days time. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Alas, the time has come

Day 13 - Mui Ne Beach

Today was a day of do nothing time and oh it was great. We got up at about half 9 or 10 I reckon and grabbed a bit of breakfast. We wanted to go to a place called the red canyon and got on the road but in typical Vietnamese style we weren't allowed in to see the canyon co we weren't part of a tour which is just so stupid over here. So we went to see a set if Cham towers instead which was kinda cool but the were like 30km away from the canyon and in the midday heat if felt like it took hours to get there. They were pretty impressing but don't compare to My Son. So from there it was back to the pool for a while day of laying there and in the pool relaxing and catching up on rest coz we knew that the next 200km to HCM was gonna be the toughest bit of the road trip. So we lay and we lay, and lay some more before we got dinner and then git our shit together and ready for the morning so we could hit the road early. So Ho Chi Minh is only 200km away. 

Day 14 - Mui Ne-Ho Chi Minh City

So the final stage of our road trip was here and exactly / weeks since we left from Hanoi we were heading onto the final city of the trip. So up early and onto the bikes and onto the road for 8am and already the sun was beating down on us so it was time to try cover up every bit of skin that was on show coz it's not cook trying to drive with sunburn or with the smell of burning skin for 5 hours. Leaving the beach was killer coz it was so nice to be there and knowing we were going to a big city instead. But on we went and trawler through the insane driving of the hoards of buses and trucks leaving HCM and meeting us along the road. So it's only 200km to go but the traffic is insane. Just imagine a capacity crowd coming out of Croke park and the tons of people on the streets, now imagine each of them on a scooter and you still haven't got what the traffic is like on the roads here. But we survived. So the roads were good and the highway was cool but it was HCM we wanted. It only took us 5 hours to get tobthe edge of the city and we knew we were close by the volume of traffic. It was insane and was so scary at parts. In saying that we managed to make it all the way to our hotel without een getting lost. It seems we are getting good at this driving malark. So we actually arrived in Saigon. And I believe I have earned. Tshirt that says "I survived Saigon" and it will be bought as soon as I find one. So  14 days . . 1700km . . 2000 photographs . . 2 x 110cc Honda Waves . . €30 worth of petrol . . No Licences . . 2 x very sore asses . . No Limbs lost . . 2 x avoided police stops . . 4 x falls . . A hundred thousand memories . . . . . . . . . . . . JOB DONE, WE SURVIVED. So now Hanoi is only 1700km away.

Vietnam Road Trip = Priceless   

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Have we become beach bums??

Day 11 - Nha Trang-Mui Ne 

Got up at 6am to get a early crack at the roads coz we had 250km to cover to make our stop at Mui Ne. So we got breakfast and were on the road before 7 am which was great timing really. Getting out of Nha Trang was handy enough coz it was one straight road but traffic was kinda crazy with trucks everywhere but it was ok. So off on highway 1 we went and that's where we stayed for most of the day anyway. Rocking on down south through blasting heat and manaic truck drivers overtaking buses while they are overtaking other buses. Insane. So we were all good until we hit to outside a town called Lao Chau and then the tiad got so so bad. A massive line of trucks for at least 20km for no reason but they were overtaking everywhere and it was just crazy but then it all just disappeared and there was no traffic then. We turned off the highway onto a connecting road heading fur Mui Ne. Must gave taken well over an hour to do the 40km coz we kept stopping in awe. The landscape wasvthe best we have seen so far. So different from the mountaineous north, thus was lakes and sanddunes with cloudless skies. Perfect. So we got into Mui Ne just in time for a swim in the pool before dinner and it was time to relax. Ho Chi Minh City is now only 200km away. 

Day 12 - Mui Ne Beach

Woke up and the plan was simply . . . nothing. How good does that sound. Got up and we went in search of breakfast but we actually couldn't find anywhere who done any fir ages. It got so frustrating havin to look fir somewhere. Eventually though we found one place and by that stage u could have eaten horse but it was ok they only had pancakes on the menu so that had to do. After that we jumped on the bike and headed out to see the red dunes. They were so bloody hot. It was roasting standing up on them. Must have been about 35 degrees I reckon if not more. We didn't spend too long there just because it was so hit and basically we didn't really fancy dying on the dunes. So we went for a drive along the beach front watching the waves crash in until we just wanted to go sit by the pool so we turned the bike round and soon enough at the pool we were and there we stayed until after sunset. Was real nice though coz the fishing boats kept drifting by and it was just nice to be sitting there along the beach after driving 1500km or so to finally have a do nothing day with the thought of only one more big day of driving to go before we are in HCMC.  

Saturday, October 23, 2010

So that's what a beach looks like . . .

Day 9 - Old city of Hoi An

Today was our last day here in Hoi An before we move on down south to the beaches of Nha Trang. So first thing this morning we went to collect our suits and dresses. They were awesome and fitted so well. I got a full suit and alv got herself 2 new dresses for herself. After that then we went and done our sightseeing around the town. We bought a ticket that let's you into five different sights but we got into 7 I think. The old traditional houses and all the assembly halls of the different nationalities that done business in Hoi An. We also went to the old bridges and down by the river and just admired the character if the town and just the atmosphere. So tonite then we decided to save some time and get an over nite bus down to Nha Trang so we could have mire time along the coast before HCMC. 

Day 10 - Nha Trang

So the bus got in at 5.30am, abut early than we were meant but was cool coz we just went to our hotel got our shit sorted. We were only spending the day here so at like 8am we went to the Cham towers to see what they were like and they were still do well intact and people were still using them to pray in which wad really strange. They were amazing towers tho standing 28m tall and over lookibgvthe city from a hilltop. So the plan for the rest of the day was to chill on te beach. First beach we have had so wanted to do nothing for the day. It was gorgeous down there but the sea was goin crazy with 8m swells coz of a typhoon that had hit the Philippines and was still out in the south china sea. Some woman got dragged into the water right in front of us, the wave came up and the rip was so strong it dragged her out. She was drowning out there and nobody tried to save her except all the foreigners in the beach. Her family stood an watched her screaming out there. An English guy managed to drag her in but looked like she wasn't moving or breathing for awhile but eventually she did but the Vietnamese are idiots when it comes to water. Apparently no Vietnamese person can swim at all which is just stupid. After that then we just went for a walk around the city and got dinner. 

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Around Hue

Hello My Son

Day 7 - Hoi An

So today was our first day in historical Hoi An. Woke up and it was really lashing rain. It was so constant all day, it was like a miserable winters day back home but it was 29 degrees or something crazy like that. So the plan here was go to the tailors and see what we can get done. So off we went with our ponchos on and up we rock to a few tailors searching for the right one. We went to a place called yaly and it was really good. So I decided to get my suit for Stefs wedding. And Alv decided to get 2 dresses made while she was there coz they are all so cheap but great quality. So after that we went for a wander around the city but the rain was killing what was meant to be an amzing place and there was floods all over the streets. So went went for dinner in a place called Green Chilli and it was fairly good, strangely enough they done Mexican food and BBQ and stuff so was a little weird. After that we done some more wandering down by the riverside and all the lanterns were so cool at nite. So many colours all over the town. So we went and checked the weather fir tomorrow hoping that it wasn't all doom and gloom for the next 2 days. Luckily weathr was set to be good so roll on sunshine. 

Day 8 - Day trip to My Son

So today the weather was nothing short of glourious. Like the best wether we have had anywhere so far. It was just beautiful outside. So the plan today was jump on the bikes and go to a place called My Son which is only 60 km away from Hoi An so was a handy drive out to it. Drove out on crazy highway 1 but was all good and got to My Son at about noon or so, so was good timing coz all the tour groups were just leaving so we had the entire site to ourselves and it was amazing. Most of the buildings there are from the 8th century and it's crazy how they are still standing coz they are all made from red brick but no mortar at all was used. And to see them still standing after all the wars and bombs that fell is just insane. Some of the temple groups out there was basically destroyed from the Vietnam war and the Vietnamese had to plee with the Americans to stop bombing the site coz it the most important Cham site in Vietnam but by that time too much damage was done. The site is said to be the Vietnamese Angkor Wat. It was so cool to get to see the temples. So this evening then we went for a trad Vietnamese dinner of beef pho (noodle soup) and a chicken with lemongrass and chilli and all for less than €4 or something like that. It's so cheap over here. So we went walking aroun the city again for the evening and through all the markets checking out all the stalls. We also booked our bus ticket down to Nha Thrang for tomorrow nite.  

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What an amazing place

Day 5 - Hue

So today was our day off from driving.  We are nearly half way down Vietnam in the city of Hue. So the plan today was simple, enjoy the city and what it has to offer but mist importantly relax and don't drive at all. So firstly we headed into the ancient citadel of Hue. It is centuries old but still massive portions remained intact since the city got UNESCO world heritage status a few years back. The citadel is huge with a ton if buildings in there. The entrance gate is the most impressive as it is just pure muscle compared to the rest. You know you're entering something important when you pass under the building. The outer Walls actually remind me if walking through the arch at Trinity college, the bustle and noise disappears once you pass through. An amazing feeling. The city is just real nice and full of nice locals who don't really hassle ya into buying stuff or offering taxis and tuk tuks every 2 seconds. We stayed in the Hue Backpackers Hostel run by te same people that run the Hanoi one and it's just as cool. We wandered aroundvthe while city and caught a but if sunshine which was a drastic change to the thunderous rain the day before but we were complaining at all. After we done the citadel it was off to the air conditioned supermarket to pick up cookies and jellies to stem the hunger and it's the first place that I have seen jellies since I left home so right away I had to have some. Then to the turtle pagoda on the hill right beside the Perfume River. It was an awesome pagoda that was 8 stories tall and real slender. Spent about an hour or so up there checking out the view of the city. So then went for some decent food before we hit the road again tomorrow. 

Day 6 - Hue-Hoi An

We had heard about this part of the road from everyone we have talked to any they have all said it's indescribable. We hit the road at about 9 and we planned on taking our time as Hoi An was only 120km away from Hue so we had plenty of time to chill along the way and take it the scenery as we went. So we took the beach road instead of the highway, it was such a glourious driving road, lake in one side and the sea in the other, what more could you ask for, sunshine you say? Well that was there too, all day long. We passed through little fishing villages as we went and smite enough we pull up at a petrol station and we run into an Irish guy doin an organised tour to Saigon on a 250cc motocross bike and he called us the real bikers on our little waves. So on we rocked passing through monutains and valleys and ease and stopping and looking at the views of the countryside. Soon we started coming to the Hai Van Pass, the highest monutain pass on the highway to Ho Chi. So up the monutains we went and my god the views were spectacular. Nothing I have ever seen compares to this. It was amazing. Views back to the north and to the south. The beachs just stretching  to the horizon. We kept stopping every 5 minutes to keep looking out it was that beautiful and yet we kept climbing the mountain into a massive cloud at the top. The descent then was just as beautiful with the mountains and beaches again stretching for miles out if sight. Soon we had to pass through the city of Danang and from there the world heritage sight of Hoi An lay only 30km away so we were on it's doorstep. We arrived after in the evening after having an amazing day on the road, the most amazing part of it so far. Ho Chi Minh is now only 950km away.  

On the HCM Trail to Hue