Saturday, October 9, 2010

Good Morning Vietnam

Well were finally here in vietnam after one long ass journey. About 30 hours on a bus from luang prabang to Hanoi here in north Vietnam. Got here at like 1.30am Friday morning. It was just an insane trip to get here with roads that were like rollarcoaster rides with turns turning into turns with a shear cliff on one side and mega ass drop on the other. The views were just insane from the bus in te highlands before we got to Hanoi itself. So when we arrived we literally went to the hostel and crashed completely. Got up then after a fee hours shut eye and we were good to go again. So yesterday we went wandering the city and discovered the mayhem that wa sleeping when we arrived. Must be 3 million motos on the streets and the same amount of people just flyin around everywhere. Was crazy tryin to cross the street but now it's second nature. So went walking and discover the little pagoda on the lake which is the symbol of Hanoi and it's a cool thing just sitting proud on the lake. But when we were coming here we didn't realise that in the 10/10/10 this Sunday is the 1000th anniversary of Hanoi city and there is massive festival goin on. Seems to be the place to be right now so glad we arrived when we did coz all the accommodation is now fully booked with not a single bed anywhere at all. The city must have a population of about 5 million with all the tourists here for the festival. It's just pure Asian pagentry. So last nite we went out the the streets were jmed solid with every single Hanoian on the street celebrating. Was so spectacular so Sunday is just gonna be out if the world. Today then we went wandering again but everywhere us too busy to get into which sucks coz we wanna see the temples and all buy we gotta wait and see I reckon.   

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