Saturday, October 16, 2010

HCMC is getting ever closer!

Day 3 - Thanh Hoa-Dong Hoi

So today was an early enough one but we were in the town and the plan was to get the train this evening to Dong Hoi and arrive tomorrow morning. So we went to the station on our bikes and wanted to get tickets for both us and, Harry + Sally (our bikes) but didn't work out too well as we were yet to discover. Got our tickets and they all were smiling and saying no problem but we ran and got the best feed ever, spag bol, rice, garlic bread and chips. Awesome it was. Then back to the station for  the 2pm train coz they wouldn't key us take bikes on the overnight one but ah well. Got to the station and only one bike was allowed on the train so Harry came with us and poor Sally was sent on a later train that wouldn't get in till tomowwow morning. So on we got and sat out the 10 hour train journey that was only supposed to take 7. So annoying sitting on a time bench that they call a seat for 10 hours. We finally got to Dong Hoi and into a hotel for the nite. Rest time woo. Ho Chi Minh is now only 1150km away. 

Day 4 - Dong Hoi-Hue

Had to get up and go to the train station to collect Sally off the train an low and behold there she was. The people at te station though had drained all the petrol out of it and also emptied the battery fluid out before they put it on the train. No idea why though coZ it's no like it would explode it anything so when I went to start it there was no life at all so the battery is now filled with water which is perfect but didn't the shits down at the station try to charge us for petrol for the bikes then even though they had stollen ours. It's so annoying how they try take advantage of you coz you are a foreigner. It's just not cool at all but it happens everywhere and nothing we can do about it. Had to go fill the bikes then again in the nearest petrol station. Then the skies opened on top of us and it was rain like I have never seen it before. It was so heavy, like somebody had suddenly turned a firehose on. It lasted like that for most of the day today. The plan was to go to a place called Dong Ha but once we got on the road at about 1pm we decided to screw it and rock on to our stop off that we had planned for tomorrow. So to Hue it was. 150km on highway 1 in the driving rain for just under 5 hours. Not bad going at all. It was such a crazy day though. Was a good day of driving and apart from the first stop at the mechanic yo get the coil replaced in Alvs bike for €6 which I reckon is pretty damn cheap for wat it is. Apart from that it was smooth sailing and arrived in Hue Backpackers Hostel right on time coz as we pulled up it was getting dark and it was starting to lash rain again. Ho Chi Minh is now only 1000km away.   

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