Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Another Adventure Begins . . . . .

Said goodbye to Asia a few days ago, we caught a flight to Brisbane before our onward flight on to AUckland and we finally touched down in New Zealand on the 25th. Stepped out of the airport into the New Zealand air and man it was chilly, it was a drop of about 13 degrees than we were used to and it was so not good. So DOnal met us at the airport and it was really good to see him again. Then off we went to the house and we were leaped upon by the 5 kids who are all so hyper and crazy little ones. They are all pretty cool kids and are so intelligent. They are a bit crazy so do take after there father in some ways i suppose. For the past few dyas then we have just been filling up on food and catching up on the rest that we had been longing for after our trip through Asia and it was sooo nice to get a nice comfy bed and be able to eat whatever you want whenever you want!! For the first few days we just sat at home on our asses doing absolutely nothing at all. Then the weekend was pretty cool coz Donal was off work, so on Saturday we headed to a beach just outside Auckland city, and the weather was glourios, not a single cloud in teh sky and not a breeze blowing at all. It was awesome. Then Sunday we went to local market thing and just went strolling around it which was nice too just even to spend time with them all. Then once Donal was off to work and the girls were back in school, we hit the city, spent the whole day wandering around just seeing what there was to see, down along the docks and up Queen st to see all the shops and the local stuff around.  But this morning we caught our flight down to Christchurch, a city on the south island, the furthest south we have been so far and my god its pretty damn cold!! To descibe it as fresh would be an understatement. Its only about 15 degrees or something stupid liek that, where has the heat gone to?? please come back sun!!! SO from Christchurch we move north and around the whole island, so its back on the road again, moving from here to there and seeing everything there is to see and trying to do as much as we can do, so another adventure begins!!!!!

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