Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Chiang Mai

So we've beem up here now for the past 3 days or so and its an awesome place, so so soooo much better than bangkok. The people up here are so much more chilled out and relaxed about everything. Plus its kinda cooler up here in the evenings, it was like 30 at nite in Bangkok but up here it drops to about 25 maybe and thats pretty cool.
So yesterday was a very exciting day for our little tastebuds. We decided to do a Thai cooking course for half a day yesterday evening. It was actually pretty good to do it. We cooked so much food, from Phad Thai and SPring Rolls to fresh Thai green curry which wasnt actually too hot even though like 10 fresh chillies went into the mix for it. Have to say though the spring rolls probably turned out the best thing from the course. And it was the cheapest 4 course meal iv ever had.! But i dont think the so called Thai universe was too happy about our cooking because when we were doin it there was an amazing thunder storm and it pissed rain constantly for it so seemed even the higher beings didnt like our Phad Thai.
Today was sooo hot and we decided to go outdoors for all of it......woooooooo........to Chiang Mai Zoo we headed. Wat a strange zoo it was, think we were 2 of 5 visitors it had today but it was so cool coz we got so close to all the animals, it was more like a wildlife park than a zoo which was awesome in a way. Think we spent about 4 hours up there in the heat. We seen the worlds longest aquarium tunnel, it was like 450m long and Ailbhe didnt freak out one little bit it was really good, well ok maybe a little bit!!!we got to see the feeding of the fish through the tunnel and the swarms of fish was just unreal, the colours were just amazing like. One of the other big things at the zoo was that they had 2 chinese pandas on loan but i dunno why that was really special coz china is right next door, dont we have Pandas in Dublin??? wouldnt that be a bigger celebration for them being so far from home experiencing a more distant culture??

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