Sunday, September 26, 2010

Bangkok a Go Go

Our last two days in nepal were pretty cool, on our last day in pokhara we got to see the annapurna range of the himalya crystal clear before we had to get on the bus to kathmandu, we were actually so happy coZ every other mornin they had been covered in cloud and couldn see any bit of them. So then got our 8 hour bus back to ktm And back into the mayhem and noise. That evening we went up to monkey temple to have a look around and there were hundreds of monkeys. The place was so cool, ill throw up photos lAter today i reckon. So arrived here in Bangkok two days ago now from kathmandu.The flights were grand  and got to see a clear view of the himalyas out the window. Was awesome to say the least. Got here at 9 in the morning and it was bakin hot. Must be about 30 degrees by 10 in the morning. It's such a strange pLace compared to Nepal, you were lucky to see a westener in Nepal but now we are lucky to see a local. We stayed around the khao sAn area the first day havin a wander but we decided to hit a nite Market to see wat they are like. Was soooo big, we spent like 2 and half hours wakin around it bit was great to get into the city Nd awAy from khao San. Thursday we went temple hunting. We went to see the largest gold Buddha in the world, it was like 5 metres tall and solid gold. Also went to the reclining Buddha which is like 46 metres long, like why is that needed? Looked like the world had been built around it it was that big. Friday then we decided to do something different so we went to Siam paragon shopping centre and spent like 5 hours there but we did go to the cinema and holy shit the cinema was so nice. One of the screens could actually seat 1200 people, how crazy is that shit. It's nearly bigger than olympia theatre at home. the shopping centre itself has 7 floors and tons of shops but they are Irish prices so real expensive for Thai standards, it does have the worlds second largest aquarium and ya can even dive with the sharks down there. Such a crazy place to say the least. Yesterday then we went to the weekend market in bangkok, it had over 15000 stalls and the heat was just unreal actually. Wad the hottest day here so far. Yesterday eveing then we caught our overnight sleeper train up to chaing mai. Took like 14 hours or somethin but was fine. So we got here today and are now in our new hostel and it has free wifi so will be able to updte this more now. So were both good just tryin to get used to the heat I suppose. We'll put photos up soon.  

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