Sunday, September 19, 2010

Safari in Chitwan National Park

Just out of the jungle today, 4 days of sweltering humidity and crazy Kamikazi mosquitos attacking every bare piece of skin there was, but we survived. We had no internet, or no connection to the world, there was only maybe about 5 people there a day too, so company was very scarce. It was fairly cool tho coz we got to see so much stuff from wild mugger crocodiles peaking out of the murky water of the Rapti river and also a mother and calf Rhino at about 2 metres away on the back of our huge bull elephant. It was crazy being so close to such a wild animal and it not budging a single bit with us bein so close. We went trekking through the jungle too but only seen some wild deer and the ass of a Rhino. We also got to see a cultural show of the local Tharu area, showing the traditional dance and dress, was pretty cool. The only thing that was bad about it was the food, it was sooooo bad!! We had to resort to eating Snickers, a side of Lays and Mentos for dessert. YUMMY!! SO we got the bus today for over 6 hours to a new town called Pokhara in the west of the country, so we now have to go search for accommodation and will post again later.

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